Richard Keith Langham I love Books. They are such a source of inspiration. And I know there are a lot of you just like me who are very visu...
Frank Lloyd Wright - Design Legends
'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.' Ode on a Grecian Urn - Keats Frank Lloyd Wri...
French Pink
I found this wonderful blog by Melanie who lives in France and has a shop in Provence " LE PETIT CABINET DE CURIOSITES " I love a...
Paul Grant Cutright - Photographer Extraordinaire
Paul is a dear friend of mine and an exceptionally talented Fine Art Photographer living in heaven - Santa Fe, NM. He works with digital and...
Axel Munthe - La Strada della Dolce Vita
Villa San Michele, Capri The house was small, the rooms were few but there were loggias, terraces, and pergolas all around it to watch the ...
Paul Montgomery Studio Wallpapers
Paul Montgomery Studio™, Inc. is a line of hand-painted wallpaper murals that I saw at the Chicago Merchandise Mart. They are exquisitely b...
Raoul Textiles
Raoul Textiles is an exclusive fabric line that is carried at the Chicago Merchandise Mart in the George Smith showroom. I want to bring it ...